This catalogue provides users with access to two key collections: Ontario Seminal Public Health Reports, and the PHRED archive.

  1. PHRED archive: The provincial Public Health Research, Education and Development (PHRED) program focused on building capacity in the public health workforce for over 25 years. Its funding and functions were transferred to PHO in 2011. Documents produced by the PHRED program are archived and available here.
  2. Ontario Seminal Public Health Reports: Reports and other grey literature produced by government bodies and public institutions document key milestones in the field of public health, and offer a wealth of information to help researchers and policy makers build on the lessons of the past. Despite the historical value of this literature, there has not previously been a systematic initiative to collect, preserve, and disseminate it; rather in the Digital Age they have periodically been removed from organizational websites and are not always readily retrievable.

This bibliography is curated by Public Heath Ontario Library Services to ensure persistent access to seminal grey literature reports that have shaped Ontario's public health system. The included items have been sourced from a combination of archival textual records, historical collections, and publicly available web-based repositories. Researchers, students and librarians will find it convenient to have easy access to these items for their studies or for inclusion in library collections.

Public Heath Ontario Library Services is committed to maintaining and updating this collection, to ensure the long-term accessibility of this important grey literature. Suggestions for inclusion may be submitted to


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